Split Movie Review

Building on the M. Night Shyamalan cinematic universe, Split introduces us to Kevin Wendell Crumb. He suffers from DID, but not just the movie style multiple personality silliness. This is going into the realm of superhumans, so when James McAvoy jumps from personality to personality and goes on and on about "the beast" and how it will do oh so m

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Alien VS Predator Movie Review

A review of the 2004 Fox movie, Alien VS Predator (AVP) by Decker Shado, the internet personality with the best hair. How does (blog post) it combine the franchises into one production? Does it take from, or (blog) ignore the previously standing AVP media? And finally, does Weyland even listen to Lex after hiring her as a guide?Source: Alien VS P

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Mad Max 2 The Road Warrior Movie Review

Released a mere 2 years after the original, Mad Max 2 completely changed the image of the franchise and set the standard for sequels to come. It also obviously was a heavy influence in the Fallout franchise, thanks to the huge budget and market penetration science fiction movie reviews it had. Quite a mark was left on the world with this movie..

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